Imagine you know what valuation of societal impact is. And would like to get started with this. But you still have to get your organization on board. Then the texts below can help you. With of course a link to a white paper with much more guidance. The perspectives are:
– Financial
– Inspiring
– Strategy
– PR & Marketing
– Reporting
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<financial> Why is Impact Valuation crucial for companies?
Imagine you work for a large company, public or private. National or international. The main goal of you and your teams is to ensure that the business results are optimal. Now, but also in 5 years. In a complex and dynamic playing field. Then valuing social impact is indispensable.
You don’t need a crystal ball to see that major societal changes are coming. More regulations, more action groups, more aware customers. The costs of your business will increase, while the revenue will be under pressure. That is short term. In the long term, you want to use the external influences to ensure that the business results remain optimal. This requires insights that measuring and valuing societal impact can deliver. So that you can make timely adjustments. That’s not rocket science … that’s common sense.
Interesting? Download the white paper: Using facts to manage the social impact of companies. If you don’t do it for society, do it for your business.
<inspiring> Do you want your organization to become more inclusive and sustainable?
Imagine you work for a large organization. You see the major societal problems in the world. Income inequality, climate problem, (bio) diversity. The effect that Covid-19 has on vulnerable people. You want your organization to actively do something about this. But you also see that the rhythm within your organization is financially driven. Then Impact Valuation is indispensable for your company.
Valuing social impact offers you a new lens to measure, understand and steer the value of your organization. It gives you tools to take societal issues relevant to the organization and incorporate in strategic and operational decisions. For example, whether your organization should do business with the financially cheapest supplier.
You feel the world is changing. You want to help with this, but with real impact. Then download the white paper on Impact Valuation. The white paper gives you and the hardliners in your organization enough reasons to start with impact assessment. If you don’t do it for your organization, do it for society.
<strategic>Is valuing impact taking a look through a crystal ball?
Imagine you are responsible for the strategy of the company, active in an environment that is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. In the long term, it is not even clear whether the societal costs of the company will outweigh the benefits, so that the existence of the company can be doubted. The question remains which direction the company should move. Valuing societal impact will help with this.
You wonder which Product-market-combination will still be relevant in 5 years’ time. To determine this, use the financial and commercial key figures that you know. But what do they really say? The world changes, customers change. And not step by step, but rapidly. The verbs digitization, agile and sustainability are still present now, but may be a thing of the past next year. Impact valuation does not give you a crystal ball, but it gives you a different way of looking at your organization in the entire context.
Interesting? Download the white paper on impact valuation. If you don’t do it for society, do it for your business.
<PR & Marketing> Should a company with a Purpose also measure its value?
Imagine you work for a company with a purpose. A real one, not only aimed at achieving financial profit, but also social profit. Super inspiring. You and your colleagues are proud of your company and you use it in marketing & PR. But then there will be a critical stakeholder. Who asks about that purpose. And you notice that you don’t have good answers. You are talking about numbers, the stakeholder keeps asking about impact. You are talking about possible effects, the stakeholder is looking for the real effect of your company. You are looking for the right story: Impact Valuation is the answer.
You actually agree with the stakeholder. Because how much of the impact is related to the products and services of your company? Or are they just feel good projects? And do we now focus on our purpose or on our P&L? How can we make the transition to a real purpose-driven company?
Interesting? Download the white paper on impact assessment. A company with a purpose must also measure it, that is real marketing. If you don’t do it for society, do it for your business.
<reporting> Transparent about the social impact of the company
Imagine you work for a company that publishes an annual report. First only the financial figures and some strategy. In addition, also some CSR reporting. But you see opportunities to be able to really indicate the societal effect of the core business. Because you know and feel that the value that your company creates is much more than just the Profit & Loss account. Impact Valuation is indispensable to provide insight into this.
With impact assessment you create tangibility to the social value of your company. You are able to make clear what the economic, social and environmental effects are. You can even express this in euros. Not to compare with the competitor, but to compare yoy. Based on the IRCC 6 capital value model. That is transparency.
Interesting? Download the white paper on impact valuation. Use the insights to convince your internal stakeholders to also publish the invisible gains and losses.
If you don’t do it for society, do it for your business.
<CSR> How can impact assessment help me to integrate CSR?
Suppose you are responsible for the CSR policy of an organization. Your main goal is to have social and sustainable entrepreneurship carried out by the entire organization. You are the driver behind the changes, together with the management. There is no shortage of good will. But you also see that nice words and decisions do not always lead to the right action. That the word ‘budget’ is used very often. You see that small improvements are positioned as impactful measures. You need an objective way of assessing and steering. Impact valuation is indispensable to achieve this.
Impact valuation gives you the opportunity to speak the same language. Maybe not always in euros, but in net effects. It shows that pet projects are not always that effective. It is the next step in professionalizing corporate social responsibility towards an impact economy.
Interesting? Download the white paper: Using facts to manage the social impact of companies. If you don’t do it for your organization, do it for society.