Our consultants

Working together for a better future

We work together every day to improve people and the planet. Our promise is that we are truly committed to creating impact with our clients. Empact works with a flexible workforce. Different consultants may be involved depending on the assignment.

Anne Rademaker

Anne is a great example of how the head and the heart work together to make an impact. After a corporate background at EY in strategic (ESG) risk management, she works with Empact on various ESG implementations such as CSRD. Her expertise lies in promoting sustainability and the Circular Economy, supporting organizations and public institutions in integrating these principles. In addition to her work in the private and public sector, she makes a broader contribution to societal impact through education, publications and other initiatives focused on responsible entrepreneurship and long-term value creation.

Derk Jan Berends

Derk Jan Berends is a management consultant who helps organizations define and implement sustainable business practices. He specializes in developing ESG strategies and translating them into concrete programs, projects, and other activities. With decades of experience as an executive and manager, he has gained extensive knowledge in policy development, driving strategic change, motivating teams, and managing resistance. Derk Jan is broad-minded, collaborative, and entrepreneurial. His personal mission is to truly contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society—making real impact (Empact).

Frank Tiggelman

Is a technical consultant whose strength it is, to convert a concept into a functional design and connect this with the technical realisation. Frank has a focus on the business need for data analysis, security, and information analysis. Frank is the initiator and co-owner of various development agencies and is responsible for the development of several SAAS tools. Besides making a development and publication plans, Frank has a lot of experience in managing developers and communicating with IT staff.

Jeroen Scheepmaker

Has over ten years experience in Scope 3 accounting & strategies as well as Science-Based Targets (SBT). Before working as independent consultant, Jeroen worked as a director at Guidehouse, where a managed a team of 10 people in Europe supporting international companies and their supply chain partners on sustainability related manners. He aims to make businesses more sustainable by showing besides the environmental impacts of products & operations, also the benefits of green business opportunities.

Martin de Jong

Has worked as a CSR manager and sustainability professional, since 2009. He started his career in marketing and sales. Impact is Martin’s drive. Most of the work Martin performs is strategic. He is responsible for business development, consulting and deployment of the flexible layer of people around Empact. Want to know more?

Nienke Schütte

Is a CSR professional for 1 1/2 decades. After a career at Accenture, she started as an independent management consultant in 2013 where she worked for the first time with Martin at Vodafone. Current projects are, among others, RVO International Programs. Nienke is a real impact manager, experienced partnership manager and thrilled about social innovations.

Nynke Visser

Has worked for more than 15 years as a sustainable change agent in the financial sector and beyond. Nynke is also a transition coach specialising in change processes. With her approach, she brings people together, creates sustainable dreams and ambitions that are broken down into bite-sized chunks and then realised in an iterative way. Thereby, a multidisciplinary collaboration inside and outside the value chain is at the centre of her approach.

Roy de Clerck

Is an analyst and content specialist. He studied philosophy and translates research, knowledge and policy for us into useful insights for our customers. Roy is responsible for Empact’s articles and blogs. As a child, he was fascinated by the idea of a perpetuum mobile and therefore enjoys writing about sustainability, the energy transition and creating impact.

Ruben Kamerling

As a lawyer, Ruben helps organizations with the correct interpretation of ESG laws and regulations, to enable them to do more than that just meeting the mimimal standards. Ruben uses more than ten years of legal work experience, gained in the legal profession, at the national Dutch government and Deloitte. He is always looking for ways to gain legal skills and experience to make a positive impact for society and the planet. His customers and colleagues appreciate his adaptability, solution-orientedness and relationship-orientedness.

Thessa Bos

Is a consultant for sustainability, diversity and inclusion. She has 20 years of work experience as a journalist, social entrepreneur, diplomat and policymaker. Thessa gained a large part of her work experience abroad, including in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs service. In the Netherlands, she has worked for the national government, also as coordinator of diversity & inclusion for the ministries of EZK & LNV. In 2022, she transitioned to a freelance life as an advisor, coach, facilitator and trainer. Thessa is a systems thinker curious about people and how we relate to each other, ourselves and the planet.

Leaders network

Empact is proud to be part of the Leaders Network of MVO Nederland, where we share our knowledge and inspire others to embrace sustainable business practices, through which we strive together for a better world.