Empact Research Report to the Dutch Parliament

Research of Empact ordered by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, shows that putting conditions regarding RBC to businesses should be focusssed on high risk companies only.
Getting Started with the EU Taxonomy: From Complex Legislation to Concrete Impact

The EU Taxonomy is often seen as a complex obligation. But what if you could turn it into an opportunity for real impact?
In our new article, we share:
• A clear explanation of what the EU Taxonomy actually entails
• Practical steps to get started with it
• Concrete examples of how organisations are successfully applying it
• Tips on how to use the taxonomy as a springboard for sustainable value creation
Due Diligence in European Sustainability Regulation: A Brief Introduction

A solid understanding of due diligence in the context of sustainability is essential for future-proof business operations. Read our white paper today!
Climate transition plan: a roadmap to the future

A climate transition plan is becoming increasingly mandatory. What exactly does this entail and what should you take into account when drawing up such a plan?
Vacancy: ESG Consultant at Empact

Job opening: as an ESG Consultant your make impact.