SME? Prepare yourself for the CSRD in four meetings with MVO Nederland and Empact

Together with Empact, MVO Nederland organizes four sessions in which you, as an SME, prepare yourself for the CRSD.
CBS: CSRD not mandatory but chooses to make sustainable business conduct measurable

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has been the provider of reliable, independent statistics in the Netherlands for 125 years. It is therefore logical that the organisation wants to make reporting on its own sustainable business conduct measurable. Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) has been high on the agenda at CBS for some time, but when they learned about […]
CSDDD: 3 key point of this new European sustainability law

Last Wednesday, April 24th, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was adopted by the European Parliament after years of negotiations. The CSDDD regulates that companies are obliged to conduct risk-based human rights and environmental due diligence in their own operations and in their value chain and also take action the moment they discover wrongdoing. […]